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CBD Blüten Pineapple Express Indoor.


Bei dieser Sorte handelt es sich um den gleichen Phänotyp wie das Cannatonic. Die Genetik dieser Sorte stammt von Reina Madre und NYC Diesel ab.
Diese Sorte erzeugt eine starke körperliche Entspannung und Sedierung, zusammen mit aufmunternden Euphoriegefühlen, die den Konsumenten einerseits entspannen und andererseits geistig klar belassen.


50% Sativa, 50% Indica


Versand: nur Schweiz und Liechtenstein!


Pineapple Express CBD

C B D   19.70 - 21.50%

T H C   < 1%


Unsere exklusive Top Blüten Selektion.

(Die teuersten und legendärsten Cannabis Blüten aus unserem Sortiment)


  • Dies sind unsere Gourmet Blüten
  • Mit hochwertigstem Dünger gedüngt
  • Extra schonendster Handschnitt
  • Längere Produktion-Zeit
  • Langer Veredlungs-Prozess
  • Perfekt fermentiert
  • Maximale Trichome
  • Keine Düngerrückstände
  • 100% natürlicher Indoor-Anbau
  • ohne Herbizide und Pestizide
  • Geschmack: Ananas und Tropenfruchtfrucht
  • fruchtig und intensiv im Geschmack


Cannbis Pineapple Express


Geruch und Geschmack dieser Sorte sind wirklich einzigartig, Wie der Name es schon erahnen lässt, kann man sich auf ausgeprägte süsse Ananasaromen und andere tropische Fruchtnoten gefasst machen. Der Geschmack ist sehr süss und tropisch, was sie zu einem sehr angenehmen Rauch/Verdampfgenuss macht.

Perfekt für den ganzen Tag!


Unsere Cannabis Pflanzen werden unter den besten Bedingungen

in einem hochmodernen Indoor-Werk angebaut.

Alle unsere Blüten werden von handgepflückt und handgeschnitten,

um allen unseren Kunden konstante und höchste Qualität mit

dem besten Geschmack zu bieten.


Cannabisblüten auf höchstem Niveau.

Schonende Verarbeitung für feinsten und reinsten Geschmack.


Sie werden begeistert sein.


Ab 18 Jahren


Es wird nicht empfohlen, nach dem Verzehr dieses Produktes ein Fahrzeug zu fahren,

da dies die Fahrtüchtigkeit beeinträchtigen kann.

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highest ruling member of the tribe was the principal chief, chosen from one of the major 
clans. But many functions of government were normally handled by an individual clan or 
bay family.The economy was mostly agricultural, that is, hunting and gathering. But these 
natives were limited in what they could do by the fact that they had not invented the 
wheel; nor did they have important domesticated animals, such as the horse and cow. And 
they had not learned the skills of metallurgy, apart from the hammering of sheet copper to 
make primitive tools and gold and silver for personal ornaments. None of the hundreds of 
tribes who resided in the area north of present- thc gehalt, cbd gehalt, cbd produkten, day Mexico had an alphabet or a written 
language. Instead they resorted to pictographs to record important events, and they 
substituted a sign language and smoke signals to communicate over long distances. In the 
south a more culturally advanced society emerged among the Aztec and Inca tribes. The 
Aztecs had a written language and a command of mathematics and architecture. 
Their great stone temples commanded the cities and towns in which they were built. It has been suggested that the cultural level of the southern tribes in the eighth century after Christ was more advanced than that of any of the countries in western Europe. If so, the question immediately arises whit came to a full stop and never advanced. That is another mystery that cannot be satisfactorily explained from evidence presently available. More mysteries. According to Norse sagas, sometime around AD1000 Vikings were blown off course while sailing west from Iceland to Greenland, and landed in the New World. Just where they found refuge is uncertain. A little later Leif Eriksson and his crew repeated this Distribution of American Indians4 a short history of the united states journey and probably reached present- day Newfoundland, or possibly some place along the coast of modern-day New England. They made camp and explored a wide area, no doubt visiting sections that later became part of the United States. Further explorations by other Vikings may have taken them down the St. Lawrence River. In any event the Vikings never established permanent settlements in the New World, and nothing came of their discoveries. It took several more centuries for western Europe to begin to initiate important changes in its society that would result in the migration of many of its people to the New World. The Crusades undoubtedly triggered a good deal of these changes. In 1095, Pope Urban II called Christians to liberate the Holy Landform the Muslims who controlled it. Thousands of , where they were exposed to a different and  from their adventure with new tastes, new ideas, new interests, and new demands for foods and goods that they had experienced in the East, such as spices, cotton, and silk cloth. Their desire for the products of the East was further enhanced by Marco Polo’s account of his

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Pineapple Express Indoor | Ab: CHF 1.80/gr. | 2gr.-500gr.

Preisab 9,90 CHF
inkl. MwSt.
Nicht verfügbar
  • Versand nur: Schweiz und Liechtenstein! THC <1%

  • Bei mobilen Geräten wird der Preis oben angezeigt.

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