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Gipsy Harlequin Haze Super Cross 


Versand: nur Schweiz und Liechtenstein!


Gipsy Harlequin Haze

CBD  bis 23.00 %  

THC  0.8 – 0.9 %


Eine exklusive Gourmet-Kreuzung!


Gipsy Harlequin Haze wurde durch Hybridisierung von

Harlequin, Jack Herer, Black Domina und Space Bomb zu einer einzigen Pflanze entwickelt.

Der Geschmack und das Aroma der Gipsy Harlequin Haze reicht von Zitrone über Mango bis zu süsslichem Weihrauch und basiert vornehmlich auf Haze-Genetik.

Durch und durch köstlich.


  • Dies sind unsere Gourmet Blüten
  • Mit hochwertigstem Dünger gedüngt
  • Extra schonendster Handschnitt
  • Längere Produktion-Zeit
  • Langer Veredlungs-Prozess
  • Perfekt fermentiert
  • Maximale Trichome
  • Keine Düngerrückstände


Eine Sativa-Dominante Cannabis Sorte mit hohem CBD-Gehalt.

Sehr helle Blüten, sehr kompakt und voll mit Kristallen.

Perfekt für den ganzen Tag!


75% Sativa, 25% Indica


Unsere CBD Pflanzen werden unter den besten Bedingungen in einem hochmodernen Indoor-Werk in der Schweiz angebaut. Alle unsere Blüten werden handgepflückt und handgeschnitten, um allen unseren Kunden konstante und höchste Qualität mit dem besten Geschmack zu bieten.


Cannabisblüten auf höchstem Niveau von Vapor Spirit.

Schonende Verarbeitug für feinsten und reinsten Geschmack.


Sie werden begeistert sein.


Ab 18 Jahren


Es wird nicht empfohlen, nach dem Verzehr dieses Produktes ein Fahrzeug zu fahren,

da dies die Fahrtüchtigkeit beeinträchtigen kann.

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with so-called contract children. Children from poor or socially difficult backgrounds 
were usually referred to farmers by the guardianship authorities, who often exploited and 
/ or abused the children as cheap labor. The responsible authorities looked the other 
way. The practice was not abandoned until the 1970s. At the beginning of the 21st 
century, the media took up this topic more intensively after it had long been suppressed 
or tabooed by society. The topic of administrative care was also discussed and worked 
through. People who did not quite conform to the social norm were locked away without a 
court order. This practice was also only abandoned after the ratification of the European 
Convention on Human Rights in 1974 (→ Home education in Switzerland ). In 1928 the II 
Winter Olympics took place in St. Moritz . In the interwar period, companies and 
institutions emerged that continue to shape Switzerland today: Gottlieb Duttweiler 
founded Migros in August 1925 . First in vans , later also in shops, he sold a basic 
range of inexpensive groceries and products for the household. Established grocers felt 
attacked. Together with parties, politicians and trade unions they tried to ruin Migros. 
B. with the unconstitutional branch ban that existed between 1933 and 1945. The 
Konusumentinnen in particular recognized the value of Migros. This became more and more 
successful and became the largest retailer in the country. In keeping with his social 
attitude, Gottlieb Duttweiler and his wife Adele bequeathed Migros to their customers in 
1941 when the company became a cooperative. In February 1931, the Swiss radio and 
television company SRG , organized as an association , was founded. The SRG operates its 
radio and, from 1953, its television programs under a federal license and is largely 
financed by license fees. During the Second World War, the SRG supported with its three 
country stations , Radio Beromünster(German), Radio Sottens (French) and Radio Monte 
Ceneri (Italian) organized the “ Spiritual National Defense ” and thus assumed an 
important political function. One month later, Swissair - Schweizerische Luftverkehr AG , 
under private law, was founded. Until the opening of the Zurich-Kloten airport in 1948,

Gipsy Harlequin Haze Super Cross Indoor, 10gr. bis 5kg

Preisab 28,00 CHF
inkl. MwSt.
  • Bei mobilen Geräten wird der Preis oben angezeigt.

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