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requirement contain far too little vitamin D, the vitamin D So supply does not depend on
nutrition, but mainly on how often you are in the sun, which can also be deduced from
studies. In a study from 2009, for example, the vitamin D status of 428 people was
examined and no difference was found between vegetarians and normal eaters. However, what
influenced the vitamin D status of the participants was the frequency and intensity of
sun exposure, the degree of skin pigmentation (light- skinned or dark-skinned) and, of
course, the intake of vitamin D-containing food supplements (2). In 2013, a study (on a
total of 176 Pakistani people between 20 and 80 years of age) found that non-vegetarians
had lower vitamin D levels than vegetarians, with those people in both population groups
having slightly higher values who were in rural regions lived, while urban dwellers lived
less (4). In Germany, vitamin D deficiency is also so widespread that it cannot be linked
to a particular diet. The Robert Koch Institute reports on its website as of January 25,
2019 that, according to the study on adult health in Germany (DEGS 1), more than half of
the 6,995 participants between the ages of 18 and 79 suffer from an undersupply of
vitamin D. suffered. According to the Study on the Health of Children and Adolescents in
Germany (KiGGS), more than 45 percent of the more than 10,000 children and adolescents
examined between the ages of 1 and 17 had too low a vitamin D level (5th ). Vitamin D in
dogs and cats While humans have the ability of the body to produce its own vitamin D (
endogenous synthesis), this You need to get vitamin D through your diet - either vitamin
D3 from animal foods or vitamin D2 from plant foods, only dogs can use both forms, cats
most likely only vitamin D3. * You can find recommended vitamin D supplements here under
this link Sunbathing for the formation of vitamin D is important - despite the risk of
skin cancer Since sunbathing has been warned for years because of a possible risk of skin
cancer, the increasing number of people affected by a vitamin D deficiency is not
particularly surprising. However, the question now arises: which is better? Avoid the sun
and avoid skin cancer, but get a vitamin D deficiency? Or enjoy healthy vitamin D levels
thanks to regular sun exposure, avoid many diseases, but run an increased risk of skin
cancer? First of all, it is important to know that significantly more factors are
necessary for the development of skin cancer than now and then sunbathing. From a
holistic point of view, the risk factors for skin cancer include a too low antioxidant
status, an imbalance in previous link. Sunbathing can apparently even have such a
positive effect that it can compensate for the negative effects of smoking. Low vitamin D
levels make skin cancer more aggressive It is also known that low levels of vitamin D can
make skin cancer more dangerous. The tumors become firmer and the prognosis Conversely, a
good supply of vitaminD leads to better prognoses after a skin cancer diagnosis.
However, it is not yet known exactly how taking vitamin D supplements will affect
existing skin cancer. It seems to be more the case that it is regular but moderate sun
exposure that makes skin cancer less aggressive, so that it is assumed that the sun is
not only so beneficial through the vitamin D formed, but also through other health
mechanisms positively influenced -according to Australian resear chers in 2015 ( 6). A
high single dose of vitamin D cures sunburn Of course, it is important to avoid sunburn (
and thus minimize the risk of skin cancer), but still stay in the sun long enough for
vitamin D to form. If you do have a sunburn, please read the results of the 2017 study,
which showed that a single high dose of vitamin D ( between 50,000 and 200,000 IU)
activates the skin's repair genes, which Reduces inflammation and can thus significantly
accelerate the healing of sunburns. Sunscreens can inhibit the formation of vitamin D in
the skin Sunscreens can clearly inhibit the formation of vitamin D in the skin. How
strongly they do this, however, depends on at least two factors: the sunscreen (the sun
protection filter used and the sun protection factor) and the length of time However, it
is not true that every sun cream completely blocks the formation of vitamin D, as it is
sometimes PHONE, Even Professor Holick wrote something on this subject in 2002 that no longer applies today, namely that sunscreens with sun protection factor 8 would reduce the skin's ability to produce vitamin D by 97.5 percent (14). Holick is referring to a study from
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