CBD Creme. CBD für die Haut.
Zur täglichen Pflege normaler, trockener, gereizter, spröder und schuppiger Haut.
Sehr effizient gegen Ekzeme.
Vorsicht bei Allergien!
Enthält folgende Inhaltsstoffe:
CBD-Volles-Spektrum-Extrakt, Bienenwachs, Wildbaumharz, Propolis, Teebaumöl, Arganöl, Kokosöl.
Kein spezifisches Zeichen für Allergien.
Im Airless Spender Micro Füllmenge 15 ml.
Was sagen unsere Kunden? mehr hier.
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If you have a weakened immune system and are more susceptible to infections,
In the It is also used for detoxification and drainage via the lymphatic fluid. Only with
sufficient water in the body can toxins, metabolic waste products, exposed
cancer cells, harmful bacteria or even superfluous minerals and vitamins be
quickly removed. cbd fluid, cbd kosmetik,
If this is difficult or incomplete due to a lack of water, the entire body
system becomes significantly weakened and overloaded, as some of the harmful
substances now remain in the body. The body's own detoxification capacities are
exhausted more quickly, the immune system no longer works at full power and
people become susceptible to all kinds of diseases - both acute infections and
long-term chronic complaints.
So if you want to relieve your immune system by simple means, promote your
body's own detoxification and / or combat an increased susceptibility to
infections, then drink more water!
Therefore, if you fancy chocolate bars, donuts, cookies, candies, etc., drink a
glass of water first. Then wait 10 minutes and during this time consider
whether it might not make more sense to plan the next healthy meal now instead
of indulging in greed for an unhealthy snack - a measure that of course also
contributes very well to weight control.
If you are overweight, drink water regularly in the future Drinking water
regularly helps you lose weight - for a variety of reasons. We have already
If you drink a glass of water several times a day, this also promotes your
. In a 2013 study, for example, 50
overweight young women drank an additional 500 ml of water three times a day -
always before meals for 8 weeks. The measure led to a significant weight loss
and also to a reduction in the percentage of body fat (21).
Studies have shown that drinking water is particularly effective if it is
practiced half an hour before meals (22, 23).
In the case of chronic constipation, be sure to drink more water A good supply
But if you forget to drink
enough water, constipation quickly sets in, as your body pulls as much water
out of the stool as possible when there is a lack of water in order to be able
to stay afloat in the truest sense of the word. The stool dries up and becomes
hard, which makes elimination much more difficult (17, 18).
So before you resort to a laxative if you are constipated, increase the amount
of water you drink each day. This measure alone is often enough to stimulate
intestinal peristalsis, swell fiber, increase the volume of the stool and thus
lead to easy bowel movements.
Mineral waters that are particularly rich in magnesium and sodium can bring
relief from persistent constipation (19, 20).
Even with flatulence, it often helps to drink water immediately and cut out
other drinks (such as coffee, juices, soft drinks, etc.).
* You can find a high quality water filter for at home here: Drink Pure water
filter Poor complexion can indicate a lack of water Every cell is filled with water -
and continues to shrink if too little water is drunk. This can be seen
particularly well in the skin cells. Because the skin becomes dry and wrinkled
faster if too little water is drunk. Fine lines are formed and the skin loses
If you then remember the six glasses of water a day, the skin
often blooms again. The skin cells fill with fluid and the skin looks younger
and smoother. impurities or even acne.
Poisons and metabolic waste products can now be removed from the skin cells
much better, which then also leads to an improvement in skin problems such as
Since skin problems often indicate an unhealthy intestinal situation with
impaired intestinal flora and regular drinking of water has such a positive
effect on digestion and intestinal health, water can also have a very good
If you crave sweets, drink water first Drinking too little water can lead to
cravings for sweets and other high-carbohydrate foods. Because water shortage
makes it difficult for the body to convert its carbohydrate stores (glycogen)
back into glucose. The likelihood of hypoglycemia increases - and the usual
cravings can become noticeable.
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