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And that's a good thing, because losing weight doesn't work
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Digestive enzymes support combustion The utili zation of food is a metabolic
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chop it up in such a way that it can ultimately be released into the
bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the small intestine.
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Lipases are used to break down fat Proteases break down proteins in the body
Amylases break down starch A lack of enzymes makes it difficult to lose weight
Now, of course, our body itself produces the digestive enzymes it needs - e.g.
B. in the oral mucosa, in the stomach, in the intestines and in the pancreas.
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protect identitiesFor true anonymity, just removing personal details isn't enough:
software developer Dennis Kraft on differential privacy»To date, anonymization has meant
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A study has shown that just by combining gender, date of
birth and ZIP code, 87 percent of the US population can be clearly identified. In order
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computer-aided alienation: differential privacy.
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To do this, we program algorithms that
generate random "noise" in the data set. As a result, conclusions about specific
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gain in flexibilityPersonal data to go: Software developer Carmela Acevedo via Google
data export»My team deals with data protection settings that our users can make
themselves. We build products like the privacy check, which you can use to check and
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work with this data in a different environment.
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Easier for everyoneNo expert knowledge required: product manager Audrey An on innovations
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Internet»Google Chrome is used by a wide variety of people, from technology enthusiasts
to those who are not tech-savvy at all.
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He checks with just one
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field will be informed about the security status, will find out whether there are any
individual recommendations, and can go directly from the box to the security check.
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« They
show logged-in users individualized information about their Google account and about
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whether there are any individual recommendations, and can go directly from the box to the
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Especially people who have a higher percentage of fat cells tend to gain weight
Stop cravings for sugar - ways out of sugar addiction Cravings for sweets are
often reminiscent of an addiction. To learn how to combat sugar addiction, see
Please note that a healthy avoidance of