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tweezers or two pointed sticks, the leaves are placed in the correct position,

carefully covered with absorbent cotton and then carefully and evenly sifted with dry sand.

sifted over them. A layer of 7 to 8 millimeters is enough to firmly attach

the absorbent cotton to all the depressions of the

flowers firmly.

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Thus, placing the board at a sunny window or outdoors in the

sun, in six to eight days everything will be sufficiently dry." 83 Ibid, 61. 84 Undated

Advertising brochure, ca. 1910s. Preserved in the archives of the Swiss Natural Research

Gesellschaft (SNS) in the Burgerbibliothek Bern, call number: GA SANW 534 (45b).

As can be seen from further files of this archive,

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the Swiss Commission for Nature Conservation of the SNS suggested a

of the SNG suggested a police investigation of Graf's business activities. However, this could

violation of plant protection laws, since he was able to convince the authorities that he had

authorities that he was importing the goods from abroad, which was not a violation at the time.

Protective measures were formulated in this milieu for the first time. Thus, 86 Bachmann:

Zwischen Patriotismus und Wissenschaft, 13.

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87 The Obwaldner Regierungsrat took this

step at the request of the municipality of Engelberg. In a letter dated February 18, 1878, the

council wrote the following to the cantonal government: "Among the various sources of income

for the of the season, the sale of the Edelweiss has not been the smallest one & especially

since the exploitation of the same has shifted to the cane itself, which is now

practiced in a very rigid manner.

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way. The observations of the last few years show that with unrestrained

in a very short time not only a beautiful branch of industry is withering away, but also this

ornament of our high Alps will be completely eradicated & destroyed. The sale of the

Edelweissbluethen, however large it is pursued, can hardly result in a deplanting

Already on March 20 of the same year

the government council decreed in the sense of the Engelberger:

"The spreading of Edelweiss as well as the

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The sale of such plants, which have been stubbed out by the roots, is forbidden".

Considering the time that elapsed between the application and the enactment -

a goodmonth - this is not only an early document of institutionalized environmental protection,

but also an environmental protection, but also an impressive testimony to the efficiency of the administrative and legislative procedures of the time.

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administrative and legislative procedures of the time... - 31 - Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques

Ville deGenève Botanical Garden of the University of Zurich for example at the

General Assembly of the German and Austrian Alpine Association of 1874 "at the request of

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Dr. Barth" the following call for voluntary renunciation of picking was recorded in the minutes:

"In order to counteract the eradication of the edelweiss, every member of the

members should refrain from picking the edelweiss blossoms and should work with their

acquaintances to

to refrain from buying and wearing the edelweiss flowers as well. "88 The focus of the early nature

focus of the early conservationists on a few symbolic species such as the ibex,

Edelweiss or Alpine roses may seem arbitrary. Nevertheless, it had the advantage that

so the and H.

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Goudet in Geneva to found the Association pour

la protection des plantes.90 They were motivated to found the association by what they saw as an objectionable fact,

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that rare alpine plants were offered for sale weekly at the market on the Place du Molard in Geneva.

were offered for sale. The plants were cut out from the surrounding mountain regions together

with their roots and sold by traders to garden lovers in the Rhône.

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sold by traders to garden lovers in the city on the Rhone. Correvon and his comrades-in-arms

wanted to put a stop to this activity. Their argument against the trade in wild plants moved